Business Rescue FAQ

Will the creditors get paid?

The answer will vary and ultimately depends on the individual buyer and the state of the business. Your reputation with creditors may well remain important to you and we can offer advice on how best to secure those vital relationships.

Why haven’t I heard of this option before?

Insolvency is a highly profitable business with big marketing budgets. We are a small broker offering a niche service and cannot compete with the kind of google ad spend the big insolvency firms can afford.

How do I know this is legitimate?

Although most of us don't do it very often in our lifetimes, selling a business is a perfectly normal everyday transaction. The usual problem with a distressed business is finding a buyer!

Thanks in part to stagnating global growth and stubournly low interest rates, many private equity firms and turnaround specialists are looking at alternative investment options. We have been able to attract a number of buyers who are interested in SMEs as a high-risk investment class in an era of weak global growth. They are prepared to accept that a significant proportion of their investments will fail, but they also know that they will find businesses with enough value to make a strong return that will more than compensate for the small cost of acquiring the companies.

Can I ask my accountant to talk to you?

By all means. We are happy to talk to answer any questions you or they may have!